Ste pripravení? Začnite hovoriť po slovensky!

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Jazyková škola Slovak Friends je škola, ktorá sa venuje výučbe slovenčiny ako cudzieho jazyka pre dospelých a deti.

Môžete si vybrať online kurzy alebo kurzy v triede v Bratislave. Ste začiatočník, mierne pokročilý alebo pokročilý?
Pridať sa k nám môžete kedykoľvek počas roka!

Prečo my?

Naša škola organizuje výlučne kurzy slovenského jazyka.
Malé skupiny: maximálne 5 študentov.
Sme nielen vaši učitelia, ale aj priatelia pripravení vám pomôcť, poradiť a odporučiť.

Poloha v centre Bratislavy.

Večerné posedenia so študentmi.
Najvyšší počet slovenských kurzov na Slovensku.
Skúsení a nadšení učitelia, ktorým záleží na tom, aby ste napredovali.
Nové kurzy každý mesiac. Nesedí vám čas kurzu? Zorganizujeme ho podľa vašich časových možností.
Rýchly a efektívny online zákaznícky servis.
Individuálna podpora počas celej doby vzdelávania aj v prípade neprítomnosti na hodine.

Darčekové poukážky.


Na základe 17 recenzií
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Mike L

12:30 06 Feb 23
Great school. Very limited options to learn Slovak and I had a great teacher in Barbora. The school was happy to help me in every way. If you want to torture yourself as an English speaker and learn a Slavic language then I highly recommend them!!

Michelangelo Fiore

12:43 04 Feb 23
I have been talking classes at Slovak friends for more than two years and I can strongly recommend them. The classes are great, with few students, which gives everyone a good chance to practice. Also, both the teachers and organizers are really great people!

Marc-Andre Kriegl

11:17 03 Feb 23
Very professional and friendly company with high standard of customer service and great communication.I have online lessons and my teacher Barbora is excellent - learning with her is very enjoyable as she's enthusiastic and she's always punctual and well prepared. She always sends the notes from the lesson and the homework by mail, which gets reviewed. She's really focused to get you to learn, always with a smile.I can't praise the company/course highly enough, because it's such good value for money very convenient and fun. Highly recommended.

andrej skotsko

08:30 02 Feb 23
I have online lessons twice per week and I would recommend this school to anyone who wants to learn Slovak. I used to work as a teacher and I can say that the quality of teachers, lessons and preparation is of a very high standard. 100% recommended!

Pauline Mably

10:14 25 Jan 23
This language school is excellent. I learn online and the teacher is super - always punctual, always in full control of the lesson and always well prepared. I feel that I am finally making good progress with Slovak. The school itself is really professional with a really high standard of customer service and excellent communication. I highly recommend if you want to learn Slovak for foreigners.
