Online – A1-B1 Grammar review, Start: November 14

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Silvia F.

Price: 256€

TIME: THU 16:30 – 18:00 CET

FREQUENCY: 1x90min/week         

DATES: November 14, 2024 – March 20, 2025 (No class Dec. 26 and Jan. 2)                      

DURATION: 16 lessons per 90minutes + 1 feedback session on top of it

LEVEL: The students in this course are at the B1 level, but they need to review
their grammar. We will incorporate grammatical rules into speaking
exercises to help you speak correctly. We will cover fundamental grammar
starting from the A1 level.

Students do not need to undergo placement tests,  our teachers will assess their level efficiently during a quick informal call.

Please, set up a call with us here:

For any questions contact us here: or

Start: November 14

Max students: 5

Contact form: