Full Beginners – Start: September 25

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Price: 166€
  • TIME: WED 17:30-18:15, Bratislava time
  • FREQUENCY: 1x45min/week             
  • DATES: September 25, 2024 – February 26, 2025
  • DURATION: 20x45min

LEVEL: Dieťa niečo rozumie, ale má problém hovoriť. Nevie povedať ucelenú vetu, slovná zásoba je obmedzená na farby, príkazy rodičov.

Vek: 7-14rokov. Pri veľkých vekových rozdieloch budú deti rozdelené do dvoch kurzov podľa vekovej skupiny 7-10 rokov a 11-14rokov. Minimum sú 3 žiaci na skupinu.

Enrollment: kids@slovakfriends.com


Beginners – their knowledge is on the level of words on a variety of topics, listening comprehension is limited
Intermediate – capable of combining words, able to articulate a simple sentence, understands what is being said, cannot use grammatical rules correctly
Advanced – able to express a thought/a more complex topic, however their use of grammar is not entirely precise

Start: September 25

Max students: 5

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